Rabu, 22 Mei 2013


A. Pengertian Ilmu Ukur Tanah
1. Definisi Ilmu dasar survey
     Ilmu dasar survey/pemetaan adalah bagian rendah dari ilmu geodesi, yg merupakan suatu ilmu yg mempelajari ukuran dan bentuk bumi dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk tertentu.

2. Macam-macam Ilmu Geodesi
Berdasarkan ketelitian pengukurannya, ilmu geodesi terbagi atas dua macam, yaitu:

  •  Geodetic Suerveying, yaitu suvey yg memperhitungkan kelengkungan bumi/kondisi sebenarnya.
  • Plane Suerveying, yaitu suatu survey yg mengabaikan kelengkungan bumi dan mengasumsikan bumi adalah bidang datar.
3. Maksud dan Tujuannya

  • Sebagai aplikasi lapangan dari teori2 dasar ilmu dasar survey.
  • tujuan yg ingin di capai adalah agar praktikan dapat mengetahui dan memahami dengan baik bagaiman menggunakan alat, mengukur poligon, megolah data, dan penggambaran peta.
4. Alat-alat yg digunakan

  1. Theodolite
  2. Water Pass
  3. Rambu Ukur
  4. Baak ukur dan tripod
  5. Unting Unting
  6. Payung
  7. Statif
  8. Patok
  9. Alat Tulis
  10. Statif
Fungsi Theodolite:

  1. Teropong, berfungsi untuk membidik obyek pengukuran pada pengukuran poligon maupun situasi (Membidik rambu/jalon)
  2. Vesier, berfungsi utk alat bantu bidikan kasar untuk mempercepat bidikan obyek.
  3. Klem teropong, untuk mengunci teropong terhadap sumbu II (terkunci pada arah vertikal)
  4. Alat pelindung lingkaran vertikal, untuk melindungi skala vertikal
  5. Sekrup pengatur fokus teropong, untuk memperjelas obyek yg di bidik
  6. Sekrup pengatur ketajaman benang, untuk memperjelas benang pada lensa (benang atas, benang tengah, benang bawah)
  7. Lensa okuler, untuk mengamati obyek bidik dan mengamati bacaan benang (pada rambu ukur)
  8. Dudukan lampu, untuk menempatkan lampu apabila sinar matahari kurang terang (cuaca gelap)
  9. Sekrup penggerak halus vertikal, untuk menempatkan bacaan benang pada obyek (rambu) secara halus.
  10. Reflektor, Untuk memantulkan cahaya menuju mikroskop bacaan sudut vertikal dan horizontal (pada theodolite digital bagian ini tidak ada).
Fungsi Water Pass

  1. Sekrup pengatur ketajaman diafragma, untuk mengatur ketajaman benang diafragma (benang silang)
  2. Lensa pembacaan sudut horizontal, untuk memperbesar dan memperjelas bacaan sudut horizontal.
  3. Sekrup A,B,C, untuk mengatur kedataran pesawat (sumbu I Vertikal)
  4. Sekrup pengatur fokus teropong, untuk memperjelas obyek yg dibidik.
  5. Teropong, untuk menempatkan lensa serta peralatan yg berfungsi utk meneropong/membidik obyek pengukuran.
  6. Pelindung lensa obyektif. untuk melindungi lensa obyektif dari sinar matahari secara langsung
  7. Lensa obyektif, untuk menerima obyek yg dibidik
  8. Klem aldehide Horizontal, untuk mengunci perputaran pesawat arah horizontal.
  9. Sekrup penggerak halus aldehide horizontal, untuk menggerakkan pesawat ke arah horizontal secara halus setelah klem aldehide horizontal dikunci agar kedudukan benang pada pesawat tepat pada obyek yg dibidik
  10. Sekrup pengatur sudut, untuk mengatur landasan sudut datar
  11. Visier, Untuk alat bantu bidikan kasar untuk mempercepat pembidikan obyek
  12. Plat dasar Water pass, untuk landasan pesawat.

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Puisi Cinta

Malem sob, kali ini gua mau share tentang Puisi buatan gua.. :D
Check This Out :)

Perbedaan Aku dengan Dia
            Aku yang menurutmu perhatian, mengasyikan, punya banyak waktu, kalau di hatimu bukan siapa-siapa! Apa hebatnya?
                Sedangkan dia, yang menurutmu kurang perhatian, membosankan, hampir tak punya waktu, tapi kalau di hatimu adalah segala-galanya. Berarti dia juaranya!
                Jika kamu mobil maka aku ini tak ubahnya bengkel. Kau menemuiku hanya ketika ingin memperbaiki kondisimu yang jengkel. Di saat dilanda kecewa, kamu kepadaku membawa urai air mata. Dan entah kenapa aku justru bangga, kemudian berusaha sebisaku sehinga matamu kembali berbinar, sampai senyummu kupastikan kembali melebar.
                Sementara dia! Dia bagaikan garasi, tempatmu kembali, mengistirahatkan diri dari malam hingga pagi. Kepadaku, seberapapun lamanya kamu mampir, aku sadar itu hanya parkir, bukan sebuah pemberhentian terakhir.
                Untuk bibirmu, aku berupaya segala cara supaya selalu tersungging senyuman di sana, iya sebatas itu tugasku. Sementara untuk mengecupnya, aku tak punya hak apa-apa, itu tugas dia.
Iya, selalu begitu.
                Kamu datang kepadaku membawa kecewa karenanya. Lalu kembali kepadanya membawa bahagia karenaku. Selalu begitu, terus terulang, sudah tak terbilang.
                Kamu bodoh, terus bertahan dengan dia yang tak perhatian. Masih memilih dia yang katamu membosankan! Atau...? Atau sebenarnya aku sendirilah yang bodoh, terus menyambutmu meski ini tidak ada bedanya dengan pelarian?!
                Aku bingung aku ini mengalah, atau sebenarnya memang kalah? Tapi terserahlah! Memikirkannya aku sudah sangat lelah. Kujalani saja meskipun mungkin ini salah.
                Jujur setiap melihatnya memandangimu yang cantik, dalam diam yang geram aku kerap berdoa licik, semoga dia lebih sering memperlakukanmu tidak baik. Agar kamu lebih sering kecewa. Agar aku dan kamu lebih sering bersama.

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Green Day Lyrics

1. Wake Me Up When September Ends

Summer Has come and passed, the innocent can’t never last
Wake Me up when September ends
Like my father come to past, seven year’s has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars
Dre nched in my pain again becoming who we are
As my memory rest but never forget wahet I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer Has come and passed, the innocent can’t never last
Wake Me up when September ends
Ring out the bells again like we did when spring began
Wake Me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars
Dre nched in my pain again becoming who we are
As my memory rest but never forget wahet I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer Has come and passed, the innocent can’t never last
Wake Me up when September ends
Like my father come to past, twenty year’s has gone to fast
Wake Me up when September ends
Wake Me up when September ends
Wake Me up when September ends

2. Letterbomb

Nobody’s likes you, everyone left you
They’re all out without you
Having fun

Where have all the bastards gone
The underbelly stacks up ten high
The dummy fail the crash test, collecting unemployment checks
Like the flunkie only along for the ride
Where have all the riots gone
As the city motto’s get’s pulverize
What’s in love is now in debt, on your birth certificate
So strike the fucking match to light this fuse
The town bishop is extortionist
And he don’t even know that you exist
Standing still when it’s do or die, you better run for your fucking life

It’s not over till your underground, it’s not hope before it’s to late
This city burning, it’s not my burden, it’s not hope before it’s to late
There’s nothing left to analyze

Where will all the martyrs gone when the virus cures itself
And where will we all go when it’s too late??


You’re not the jesus of suburbia, the St. Jimmy it’s figment of
Your  father’s rage and your mother’s love, made me the idiot America

It’s not over till your underground, it’s not hope before it’s to late
This city burning, it’s not my burden, it’s not hope before it’s to late

She said I can’t take this place, I’m leaving it behind
Well, she said I can’t take this town, I’m leaving you tonight

3. Green Day Jesus Of Suburbia: Jesus of Suburbia/City of The Damned/I Dont Care/Dearly Beloved/Tales Of Another Broken Home.

[Jesus Of Suburbia]
I’m The son of rage and love, the jesus of suburbia
The bible of non of the above on a steady diet of
Soda  pop and Ritalin no one ever die for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell least the ones I got away with
And there’s nothing wrong with me this is how am supposed to be
In a land of make believe, that don’t believe in me
Get my television fix, sitting on my crucifix the leaving room or my private womb
While the moms and brat’s are away
To fall in love and fall in debt, to alcohol and cigarettes and mary jane to keep me insane
Doing someone else cocaine, And there’s nothing wrong with me this is how am supposed to be
In a land of make believe, that don’t believe in me

[City Of The Damned]
At the center of the earth in the parking lot of the 7-11 where I was taught
The motto was just a lie, it says home is where your heart is but what a shame cause everyone’s heart doesn’t beat the shame, it’s beating out of time.
City of the dead, at the end of another lost highway, sign misleading to nowhere
City of the damned, lost children with dirty faces today, no one really seems to care
I read the garafiti in the bathroom stall like the holly scriptures of the shoping mall
And so it seem to confess, it didn’t say much but it only confirm that the center of the earth is the end of the world, and I could really careless.
City of the dead, at the end of another lost highway, sign misleading to nowhere
City of the damned, lost children with dirty faces today, no one really seems to care……………….

[I Don’t Care]
I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t care
I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t care
I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t care
I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t, I don’t care if you don’t care
Everyone so full of shit, born and raised by hypocrites, heart’s recycle but never saved from the cradles to the grave, we are the kids of war and peace from Anaheim to the middle east, we are the storiest and deciple of the jesus of suburbia… land of make believe, and don’t believe in me, land of make believe and that don’t believe.. I DON’T CARE, I DON’T CARE, I DON’T CARE, I DON’T CARE, I DON’T CARE…

[Dearly Beloved]
Dearly beloved are you listening, I can’t remember a word that you were saying
Are  we demented or am I disturbed, the space that’s in between insane and insecure
Oh.. therapy can you please fill the void, am I retarded or am I just overjoyed, nobody’s perfect and I stand accused, for lacks of a better word and that’s my best excuse..

[Tales of Another Broken Home]
To live and not to breathe, is to die in tragedy, to run to run away, to find what you believe
And I leave behind, this hurricane of fucking lies
I lost my faith to this, this town that don’t exist, so I run I run away, to the lights of masochist
And I leave behind this hurricane of fucking lies, and I walked this line, a million and one fucking time
But not this time.
I don’t feel any shame I won’t apologize, when there ain’t nowhere you can’t go..
Running away from pain when you’ve been victimized, tales from another broken….
Your leaving
Your leaving
Your leaving
Ah.. your leaving HOME !!!

3. Whatsername

Tought I run in to you down on the street, then In turn out to only be a dream, I made a point to burn all of the photographs, she went away and then I took a different path, I remember the face but I can’t recall the name, now I wonder how whatsername has been.
Seems that she disappeared without a trace, did she ever marry old what his face, I made a point to burn all of the photographs, she went away and then I took a different path, I remember the face but I can’t recall the name, now I wonder how whatsername has been.

Remember, whatever it seems like forever ago
Remember, whatever it seems like forever ago
The regret’s are useless in my mind she’s in my head, I must confess
The regret’s are useless in my mind, seems she’s be from so long ago.
And in the darkness night if my memories served me right, I never turn back time.
Forgetting you but not the time.

4. American Idiot

Don’t wanna be an American idiot, don’t want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria, the subliminal mind fuck America.

Welocome to a new kind of tension, all cross the alien nation where everything isn’t meant to be okay, the television dreams of tomorrow where not the ones who meant to follow, for that’s enough to argue.

Well maybe I’m  the faggot America, another part of redneck agenda
Now everybody do the propaganda, and sing along to the age of paranoia

Welocome to a new kind of tension, all cross the alien nation where everything isn’t meant to be okay, the television dreams of tomorrow where not the ones who meant to follow, for that’s enough to argue.

Don’t wanna be an American idiot, one nation control by the media, information age of hysteria, it’s calling out to idiot America.

Welocome to a new kind of tension, all cross the alien nation where everything isn’t meant to be okay, the television dreams of tomorrow where not the ones who meant to follow, for that’s enough to argue.

5. iviva la gloria

Hey Gloria… are you standing close to the edge, look out to the setting sun, brink up your vision.. eternal youth is a landscape of the lies, the cracks of my skin can prove as the years will testify..
Say prayers a light of fire we’re going star a war, your slogans a gun for hire, it’s what we waited for…
Hey Gloria… this is why we’re on the edge, the fate of our life been drawn this undying love.

Gloria.. Viva la Gloria
You blast your name in graffiti on the walls, falling in broken glass and slashing through your spirit
I can hear like a jilted crowd
Gloria.. where are you Gloria??
You found a home in all your scars and ammunation, you make your banners salad day’s among the ruins, ashes to ashes of our youth..
She smashed her knuckles into winter (Gloriaaa) as autumns one fade’s into black, she is the saint of all the sinner’s (Gloriaaa) the one’s that’s fallen through the cracks, so don’t put away. Your burning light.

Gloria.. where are you Gloria??
Don’t lose your faith to your lost naifety, weather the storm and don’t look back on last November, when your banners where burning down.
Gloria.. Viva La Gloria
Send me your amnesty on to the broken hearted, bring us the season that we always will remember, don’t let the bonfire’s go out.
So Gloria, send me your message, the light that’s shadow’s in the night.. gloriaa.. where’s your undying love, tell me the story of your life.. YOUR LIFE !!!

6. Homecoming: The Death of St. Jimmy/East 12th St/Nobodys Likes You/Rock and Roll Girlfriend/Were Coming Home Again

[The Death of St. Jimmy]
My heart is beating from me I am standing alone, please call me only if you are coming home, waste another years flies by, waste a night or two, you taught me how to live.
In  the street’s of shame, where you lost your dreams in the rain, there’s no signs of hope, the steem and seed’s of the last of the dope there’s a glow of light, the St. jimmy is the spark in the night, bearing gift and trust, the ficture in the city of light. What the hell’s your name what’s your pleasure what is your pain? Do you dream to much? Do you think what you need is a crutch.
In  the crowd of pain, St. Jimmy comes without any shame he says we’re fucked up but were not the same, and mom and dad are the ones you can blame. Jimmy die today, he blew his brains out into the bay, in the steed’s of mind, that’s my own private suicide.

[East 12th St]
Well nobody care’s, well nobody cares, does anyone care, if nobody cares
Well nobody care’s, well nobody cares, does anyone care, if nobody cares
Jesus filling out paperwork now, at the facility on east 12th st, his not listening to a word now, his on his own world and his day dreaming, he rather be doing something else now, like cigarettes and coffe with the underbelly his live on the line with anxiety now, she had enough and he had pleanty
Somebody get me out of here, anybody get me out of here, somebody get me out of here, get me the fuck right out of here.
So far away I don’t want to stay, get me out here right now.. just wanna be free, is there possibility, get me out here right now… RIGHT !!!  This life like dream ain’t for me !!

[Nobody’s Likes You]
I feel a sleep while watching spike tv after ten cups of coffe and your still not here, dreaming of a song but something went wrong and you can’t tell anyone, cause no one’s here.
Left me here alone and I should have stayed home after ten cups of coffe I’m thinking, (wherd you go??) Nobody’s likes you, everyone left you (wherd you go??) they’re all out without you, having fun (wherd you go??)  Everyone left you, nobody’s likes you (wherd you go??) they’re all out without you, having fun (wherd you go..go..go..go..go)

[Rock and Roll Girlfriend]
Geezzeee… haaa
I got a rock and roll band, I got a rock and roll life, I got a rock and roll girlfriend, and another ex-wife, I got a rock and roll house, I got a rock and roll car, I play the shit of the drum, and I can play the guitar, I got a kid in new York, I got a kid in the bay, I haven’t drunk or smoke nothing in ov (don’t wanna be an American idiot) er 22 years, so get  off of my cash , off of my cash, off of my cash.

[We’re Coming Home Again]
Here they come marching down the street, like a desperation murmur of a heart beat, coming back from the edge of town, underneath their feet, the time has come and it’s going nowhere, nobody ever said that life was fair now, go cart’s and guns are treasure they will bear in the summer heat.
The world is spinning around and around out of control again, the 7-11 to the fear of breaking down, to send my love a letterbomb and visit me in hell, we’re the ones going.
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
I started fucking running as soon as my feet touched ground, we’re back in the barrio but to you and me that’s jingle town that’s
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Home.. we’re coming home again
Nobody likes you, everyone left you, they’re all out without you, HAVING FUN !!

7. Give Me Novacaine

Take away the sensation inside, bitter sweet migraine in my head, it’s like a throbbing toothache of the mind, I can’t take this feeling anymore..

Drain the pressure from the swelling, this sensations overwhelming, give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright tell me that I won’t feel a thing, so give me novacaine.

Out of body and out of mind, kiss the demons out of my dreams, I get a funny feeling that’s alright, jimmy says it’s better than air, I tell you why.

Drain the pressure from the swelling, this sensations overwhelming, give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright tell me that I won’t feel a thing, so give me novacaine.

Oh Novacaine

Drain the pressure from the swelling, this sensations overwhelming, give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright tell me jimmy I won’t feel a thing, so give me novacaine.

8. 21  guns
Do you know what’s worth fighting for, when it’s not worth dying for, does it take your breath away and you feel yourself suffocating, does the pain weight out the pride, and you look for place to hide, did someone break your heart inside, you’re in ruins.

One, 21 guns, Lay down your arms, give up the fight.
One, 21 guns, throw up your arms into the sky, you and i.

When you’re at the end of the road, and you lost all sense of control, and your thoughts have taken their toll, when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul, your faith walks on broken glass and the hangover doesn’t pass, nothing’s ever built to last, you’re in ruins.

One, 21 guns, Lay down your arms, give up the fight.
One, 21 guns, throw up your arms into the sky, you and i.

Did you try to live on your own, when you burned down the house and home, did you stand too close to the fire, like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone !!!!

When it’s time to live and let die, and you can’t get another try, something inside this heart has died, you’re in ruins…

One, 21 guns, Lay down your arms, give up the fight.
One, 21 guns, throw up your arms into the sky
One, 21 guns, Lay down your arms, give up the fight.
One, 21 guns, throw up your arms into the sky, you and i.

9. Stay The Night

Well I ain’t got much time so I’ll get to the point, do you wanna share a ride and get the fuck out of this joint, I’ve got an impulse so repulsive that it burns, I wanna break your heart until it makes your stomach turn, I got to know if you’re the one that got away, even though it was never meant to be.

So say you’ll stay the night, cause we’re running out of time, so stay the night I don’t wanna say goodbye, say you’ll stay the night cause we’re running out of time, so stay the night, well I don’t wanna say goodbye.

Well you’re so sick and tired of feeling so alone, well I don’t understand the point if you have to go home, so won’t you stay and count the circle round my eyes, and we can watch the stars until the sun begins to rise, I got to know if you’re the one that got away, even though it was never meant to be.

So say you’ll stay the night, cause we’re running out of time, so stay the night I don’t wanna say goodbye

I gotta know if you’re the one that got away, even though it was never meant to be.

So say you’ll stay the night, cause we’re running out of time, so stay the night I don’t wanna say goodbye, say you’ll stay the night cause we’re running out of time, so stay the night, well I don’t wanna say goodbye.